Meeting Procedures

The members of the Tanque Verde School District Governing Board appreciate your attendance at meetings. The decisions made by the Governing Board affect our children’s education and future. The quality of public education depends on citizens and school staff working together to provide quality educational programs that meet the needs of our students.

Board Meeting Schedule

  • The Board will conduct regularly scheduled meetings on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. The meetings will begin promptly at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Special meetings are held on an as-needed basis.
  • All meetings are open to the public except the executive sessions conducted only to discuss one or more of the seven articles prescribed by the Arizona Open Meeting Law.
  • The Governing Board President will keep members, staff, and audience apprised of time constraints and will be responsible for moving the agenda along so that the adjournment can occur at a reasonable time.

Public Rights at a Public Meeting

  • According to Open Meeting Law ARS 38-431. to 38-431.09, citizens have the right to attend and record public meetings and to participate in discussions if allowed by policy. Our regular Board Meeting agendas include a Call to the Public.  The Public can also make comments on specific agenda items as those items are addressed throughout the course of the meeting.
  • The Board may not discuss or take action on a matter raised during an open call to the public unless the matter is on the meeting agenda. If an issue is raised that is not on the agenda, board members may not discuss the matter with the speaker or among themselves. However, at the conclusion of the Call to the Public, an individual board member may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the public body, may ask staff to review a matter, or may ask that a matter be placed on a future agenda.
  • If you desire to speak before the Governing Board, please complete a “comment card” before the meeting and submit the card to the Superintendent. During the Call to the Public, the Board President will invite you to make your comment. The Open Meeting Law does not require that the public be allowed to participate in the discussions or in the ultimate decisions of a public body.
  • Personal complaints or charges against individual personnel of the District are not permitted during the meetings in order to protect the due process rights of the employees. Charges or complaints shall be presented in writing to the Superintendent for investigation.
  • If you have a question about school or district operations, please contact the teacher or administrator closest to the situation for a direct response. If you need further assistance, please call or make an appointment with the Superintendent for resolution.

Consent Agendas

  • Consent Agenda items are routine matters that have been previously reviewed by the Board and may be acted upon with a single motion.